Program «Sleep Well» våren 2024

Vårens program:

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Undervisningen er på onsdager kl.15-17 på Zoom.

Leder av NOSM, Morten Engstrøm v/ St.Olavs Hospital/NTNU vil starte 2024-programmet den 10.jan. med å forelese om «Measuring sleep in humans: PSG, actigraphy, and beyond»,

den 17.febr. foreleser danske Prof. Paul Jennum og den 20.Mars norsk somnolog Harald Hrubos- Strøm

Curriculum Spring Term 2024
Methodology in sleep medicine

January 10th

Measuring sleep in humans: PSG, actigraphy, and beyond, Part I

Assoc. Prof. Morten Engstrøm

Measuring sleep in humans: PSG, actigraphy, and beyond, Part II

PhD Hanne Siri A Heglum

February 17th

Polygraphic sleep evaluation in the pathological sleep: neurodegenerative disorders, states of conciousness and epilepsies

Prof. Poul Jennum

Advanced analysis of sleep signals. Quantitative techniques and machine learning methods
PhD Andreas Brink-Kjær

Sleep-disordered breathing

March 20th

Epidemiology, pathophysiology and definitions of obstructive and central sleep apnoea

Assoc. Prof. Harald Hrubos-Strøm

Comorbidity of obstructive sleep apnoea
MD Marja Palomäki

April 17th

Case based teaching of sleep recordings in SDB

Prof. Ludger Grote

Management of obstructive and central sleep apnoea syndrome

Assoc. Prof. Jenny Theorell-Haglöw

May 15th

Treatment of nocturnal respiratory failure in different diseases
MD, PhD Andreas Palm

Sleep and the role of dentistry
DDS, PhD Marie Marklund