1 “Sleep and Breathing 2019”, en konferanse organisert av the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) I Marseille 11.-13. April https://www.esrs.eu/index.php?id=1058
Ps abstractfrist 30/10
2 European Narcolepsy Master Class (17.mai), the 10th European Narcolepsy Day (18-19 mai), begge i Bern og arrangert av European Narcolepsy Network. Se program under.
3 Nordic Sleep Conference 2019 i Oslo og Holmenkollen 23-25 mai. Vi håper å se deg der!
DRAFT PROGRAM, 12.10.2018
European Narcolepsy Master Class
Bern, Switzerland, May
supported by: UCB (Platinum), Bioprojet, IDORSIA, Theranexus, Harmony (t.b.c.), Takeda (t.b.c.), Avadel (t.b.c.)
Friday, May 17 (University Hospital, Inselspital, Bern)
Narcolepsy, Update 2018
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Welcome and introductionC. Bassetti
Session 1Etio-Pathophysiology
09.15-09.45Circuits of narcolepsyC. Peyron (F)
09.45-10.15Autoimmunity of narcolepsyF. Sallusto (CH)
Session 2Clinical presentation (with case examples)11.00-11.30Clinical features in adultsP. Reading (UK)
11.30-12.00Clinical features in childrenG. Plazzi (I)
Session 3Diagnosis/Differential Diagnosis (with cases examples)
14.00-14.30DiagnosisR. Fronczek (NL)
14.30-15.00Differential diagnosisC. Bassetti (CH)
Session 4Treatment (with case examples)
15.45-16.15Management in adultsU. Kallweit (G)
16.15-16.45Management in childrenM. Lecendraux (F)
Bern, Switzerland, May 18-19, 2019
in collaboration with
supported by: UCB (Platinum), Bioprojet, IDORSIA, JAZZ, Theranexus, Harmony (t.b.c.), Takeda (t.b.c.),
Saturday, May 18 (University Hospital, Inselspital, Bern)
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 WelcomeC. Bassetti
09.15-10.30Session 1: Basic Science
Chair: P.H. Luppi (F)
09.15-09.45Genetics of the narcolepsy borderlandM. Tafti (CH)
09.45-10.15Neurobiology of the narcolepsy borderlandM. Schmidt (CH)
10.30-11.00Coffee break
11.00-12.15Session 2: Clinical Science
Chair: J. Mathis (CH)
11.00-11.30Clinical features of the narcolepsy borderlandG.J. Lammers (NL)
11.30-12.00Treatment of the narcolepsy borderlandY. Dauvilliers (F)
12.15-14.00Lunch and Poster
12.30-13.30Business Meeting
14.00-15.00Session 3: Patients questions/answers
Chairs: G. Plazzi (I), C. Bassetti (CH)
15.00-16.00Session 4: Young scientists session (6 talks)
Chairs: F. Pizza I), A. Wierzbicka (CH)
16.00-16.30Coffee break
16.30-17.45Session 5: Year in review(Narcolepsy)
Chair: K. Sonka (CZ)
16.30-17.00Clinical scienceG. Plazzi (I)
17.00-17.30Basic scienceB. Kornum (DK)
18.00-19.00Meeting of the EU-NN board with representatives of pts organizations
Sunday, May 19 (University Hospital, Inselspital, Bern)
09.00-10.30Session 6: The patients’ perspective(narrative medicine)
Chairs: G. Maye (D), S. Knudsen (N)
09.00-09.30Lecture 1: Narcolepsy
09.30-10.00Lecture 2: Idiopathic Hypersomnia
10.00-10.30Lecture 3: Kleine-Levin Syndrome
10.30-11.00Coffee break
11.00-12.15Session 7: Awards ceremony
Chairs: C. Bassetti (CH), G. Plazzi (I)
11.00-11.15Young Scientist Award
11.15-11.30Best Poster award
11.30-12.30European Narcolepsy Award (and lectures) 2019
M. Yanagisawa (J)
E. Mignot (USA)
12.30-12.45Presentation of candidates for European Narcolepsy Day 2020
12.45Closing remarks