Om oss

Navn: Norsk forening for søvnmedisin
Org. nr.
891 846 762
Grunnlagt: 1997

NOSM er tilknyttet den Europeiske søvnforskningsforeningen gjennom Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS).

Styret for perioden 2023-2025

Styrets leder: Morten Engstrøm frem til mai 2024. Fra mai 2024: Berit Hjelde Hansen


Morten Engstrøm (klinisk nevrofysiologi)

Harald Hrubos-Strøm (øre- nese-hals)

Berit Marina Hjelde Hansen (ungdomspsykiatri, nevsom)

Karoline Cecilie Lode (pediatri)

Bjørn Bjorvatn (allmenmedisin, sovno)

Jelena Mrdalj (basalforskning)

Henning Olberg (klinisk nevrofysiologi og nevrologi )

Patrik Faaland (psykolog)


Norwegian Society of Sleep Medicine is Affiliated to the Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS) and the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).

If information in English Language is needed,
please contact us by e-mail.

The main aims of the Norwegian Society of Sleep Research
and Sleep Medicine are:
    • To disseminate knowledge about sleep, sleep assessment and sleep disorders
    • To unite professionals from many disciplines in the pursuit of knowledge about sleep
    • To inform members and other interested parties about central conferences and meetings within the field of sleep research and sleep medicine