Følgende informasjon kom fra Island i dag:
We have confirmed now that the congress will start on the 18th of May 2023 with an opening ceremony in the evening. The scientific program will be on the 19th and 20 of May and then people have the Sunday, the 21st of May to travel home.
Registration will open soon and here are some important dates:
Important dates15 December 2022 – Deadline for symposium submission27 February 2023 – Deadline for abstract submission15 March 2023 – Early bird deadline
I remind you of the website: https://nsc2023.is/
Lever vi i feil tidssone?
Nytt nummer av «Søvn» og nyhetsbref fra Nevsom
Link til tidsskriftet «Søvn» nr 2 2022: https://en.calameo.com/read/0066520816955f36cbe02
Link til nyhetsbrev fra Nevsom: https://oslo-universitetssykehus.no/fag-og-forskning/nasjonale-og-regionale-tjenester/nevsom/europas-storste-sovnkongress